Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hey Everyone! Outreach was absolutely AMAZING! My group crammed in a truck and off we went to a village called Nakaka 3 hours away. The ride was absolutely amazing! We got to the village and we were automatically surrounded by kids setting our tents up.. We did ministry that night and ate a noodle and tuna fish dinner. We fell asleep listening to the drumming and chanting of witch-doctors and pigs running everywhere haha it was wild! Then in the morning i helped wash dishes and prepared breakfast which was coffee and bread with peanut butter.. (they spoil us on outreaches) then I did 3 hours of childrens' ministry and i got to preach at the end which i absolutely loved! 40 or so kids accepted Christ! PRAISE GOD! After that we had lunch... then i sat down to write in my journal and i realized i had 8-10 kids watching me from a distance.. then i started making them paper airplanes with their names written on them .. then the Holy Spirit told me to ask them if they would like to receive Jesus in their hearts .. so i got a translator and they all accepted Christ and then i got to tell them more about Jesus and how you can talk to Him and listen to Him .. Then that night we did more ministry and more and more people were healed and saved. Another really amazing story is when i was doing door to door ministry this man hobbled up to us and he said "I don't want to be a drunk anymore!" so we told him about Jesus and then he told us his back has been in pain for years so all in one prayer session he was saved, healed of the back pain, and delivered from alcholism .. it was amazing!  Last week in church me and a friend of mine were praying over this women whom we thought was mute.. so we were praying that she would be healed.. well later we find that she was healed.. but she wasn't mute .. she was deaf!!!! We weren't even praying for her ears to open and Holy Spirit moved in spite of our lack of understanding and healed her anyway hahaha! that will make you think! haha and yesterday i preached at the jail on Gideon and 10 people came forward to receive Christ and two came up to be delievered from fear and others came up for healing.. To more deaf people got healed!! and can't describe how happy they were and how happy we were haha! Jesus is so good!!! Revival is literally sweeping across this nation!!! Thank you all for your prayers!!! Keep them coming please haha! i love and miss all of you!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


This past week was amazing! and i only have ten minutes to tell you about it .. So Rolland Baker has been teaching a lot the past two weeks cause Heidi has been in norway .. class has been amazing! I went to jail on wednesday.. (to do ministry haha) and over 15 people got saved and everyone that needed healing was healed! Head pain: Healed, Stomach pain: Healed, and Heart pain: Healed!!! Praise Jesus!!! It all happened in an hour! i am going twice to the jail this coming week and i will be going on my first Bush Outreach this weekend .. so i would love your prayers .. lots and lots. There is a chance that i could be preaching either at the jail or the outreach so yea.. pray. It is getting hotter and hotter here .. but the breeze is so amazing .. and it is constant cause we are right on the beach pretty much .. Jesus has been so great about getting me free rides into town .. I haven't had to pay yet!!! I have been hearing things from the staff and they are saying that November is going to be even better than this past month .. which i am so so so so pumped about .. I feel already like a new person! I am more hungry for Him now than ever and the hunger is increasing everyday .. oh also since this past wednesday we have been doing constant 24 hour prayer untill this wednesday so 24/7 prayer week .. it has been a blast .. it is all out of intimacy and love and nothing like work . Which some people could think of intercession that way .. but every thing is going amazing!!! If you want to know specifics just email me or facebook me questions ..  .. I Love you all!!!!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit

Being the the center of God's will is the most exciting place to be!! It is hard to believe that I am in week 4 of 10 weeks .. so many things have happened. Where i am in Mozambique is paradise and poverty all mixed together .. down the road from the base there is a 5 star resort surrounded by slums .. it is all bazar. I only have ten more minutes to type, but my time here has been more than words can say .. especially in 8 minutes now .. haha so this past week has been winning soccer games, meeting more people, praying and hanging with God, getting rocked by the Holy Spirit, having the time of my life, going to class, having the time of my life, seeing my destiny happen, having the time of my life, being in the midst of God's glory on the earth, swimming with dolphins, snorkling over a huge reef, seeing God's Kingdom touch thousands and being His hands and feet.. Now thats a week of suffering for Christ! ... right? hahahaha.. I am right where i am supposed to be and im loving every minute .. On the outreaches that are happening  hundreds of people every weekend are getting saved and hundreds are getting healed!! Revival is everywhere! The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and people get redeemed all because of my God .. Thank you Jesus for still being the same from the creation of this world till now! I love you all .. i gotta go!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bom Dia!

Hey Everyone! I miss you all! 2 amazing weeks down! Class has been amazing! And i am finally getting used to sitting on the ground for about 5 hours a day haha! To let you all know i got selected to go to do ministry in the prison here in pemba! I am so pumped for that! I'll be in a group of 5 including me going the the jail every wednesday from 1- 5 pm . I have heard amazing testimonies about the jail. I also found out that i have two options for my extended outreach after I graduate. I can either travel around with a big group, villiage to villiage, or I have the choice to be dropped off in a villiage with two other students staying with a local Mozambican pastor with no leader or translator. Which one do you think I am going to pick? . . . THE DROP OFF! haha! As far as getting you all pictures to look at.. it will be difficult .. so im still working on that... and same for skype. The beach has been great! One night me and some guys had an awesome prayer session on the beach during the full moon! Glory! This morning I woke up early to go to the beach and watch the sunrise.. unfortunately it was very cloudy but still amazing! The weekends are usually really lax but during the weeks it is very busy, but nevertheless amazing! Getting to build relationships with the kids has been a whole lot of fun! Also, i will be coming back to Knoxville after the school I'm not going to be gone for years this go around... however we will have an opportunity to be interviewed if we want to be a long-term missionary at the end of the school im going to do that and try to be back here as soon as possible for long term.. soo I'm 98% positive that is what i'm doing , but I would love your prayers for the decision making process. If anyone would like to chat with me personally feel free to email me or shoot me a message on facebook.. i'll probably be on the internet every weekend. I love you all! Blessing and Increase to everyone in the name of Jesus! Time for me to pay for the internet and hop on a truck back to the base!

P.s Thank you all so much for sewing into my ministry! Words can't describe my gratitude.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hey everyone!!!! I got here safe and sound. I feel your prayers and I thank you so so so much! The flight process was long, but worth it. In Johannesburg, South Africa I met up with 20 students which was great to see some finally. Me and 3 others guys found a prayer chapel in the airport to sleep in over night haha! I got may 3 hours of sleep and at 4 in the morning we all gave up on sleep and worshipped until we had to fly out. Mozambique has been absolutely amazing!! Church on sunday was absolutely wonderful! After church we went to the beach for baptisms and that was a whole lot of fun!!! As far as outreach goes I have been into the villiage next to the base to pray over a person that loses his sight at night and i'm believing he was healed and I had the chance to pray over someone in the town when we went for a grocery run and it was great! I am so thankful that I took the portuguese class when I was in Redding, CA , because I have had up to an hour long conversation in portuguese! God has definitely helped me with learning the language even more while I have been here! It is hard to believe I have only been here a week, because so so so so much has happened already. Class has been above what I could have possibly imagined! We have all been getting wrecked with God's love everyday during class. I am experiencing more hunger than I have ever had for more of God. Heidi and Rolland have both preached 2 times and they are always amazing! Living in this community of people that are so hungry for God is absolutely amazing! The internet cafe in town has been down for a month, but a guy in my room bought a modem for the internet, so I am using his laptop and paying him for internet. Praise God! We signed up for our practical mission opportunities and I will soon figure out what I will be helping out with in a few days. I haven't spayed bug spray once and i have seen maybe 5 mosquitos haha! so much for using the bug spray I bought. There is so much more I can say but this will have to do for now. I love and miss you all! So much!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hey Everyone! I have decided to keep people updated on my journey in Mozambique on this blog. Today I will leave for Atlanta and fly out of ATL tomorrow morning! Thank you for your support and I humbly ask you to pray for me. I will try to update this weekly.. but some weeks it might be 2 weeks in between posts .. I will have a better idea of that when im actually down there :) Thank you again and the next time I will be typing to you I will be in Mozambique! I Love you!