Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Casa Jimmy

I woke up this morning to the sound of construction workers talking, mixed with birds chirping, and children laughing. At first I wanted to go back to sleep, but as I lay there I thought .. How blessed am I to be sleeping under a mosquito net, hearing Mozambique breathe.

I started to praise and talk to Jesus so that He can prepare me for the day.

Today was a big day. I had my first formal meeting with the Casa Jimmy boys. With much prayer before the meeting.. The meeting went amazing! All the boys started to cheer when I told them that I am not here for just 1 or 2 years, but I am here for 5 or more. If there was any doubt in me that my sacrifices weren't worth it.. That moment crushed them all. For whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for the Lord's sake he will find it. I have no regrets. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. I gladly offer myself to the King of kings for all eternity, and I will gladly offer years of my life to see these boys transform into mighty MEN of God. I confidently stand as their spiritual father, so that they may know their heavenly Father more and more each day.

This journey has just begun. I need your prayers and support, so you and I can see these boys grow into godly world changers.

So for now I will set my gaze to the one who is the One. Jesus. With His breath in my lungs and His strength in my body. I will see heaven come powerfully to the hearts God Himself, Jesus, has entrusted me with.

Thank you all for everything. I could not do this without you. Your hands are touching the lives of not only 26 boys of Casa Jimmy, but the nation of Mozambique through your prayers for me and support of me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have arrived

I have arrived here in Pemba, Mozambique!! All of my flights went more than amazing! On three planes I had the row completely to myself which allowed me to rest comfortably... Thank you Jesus! Thank you all for your prayers! Being back feels so surreal and amazing! I am so excited for what God is doing and is about to do! Hopefully I will post a video soon but this post will have to do for now. Sorry this post isn't long or very detailed, but I am half asleep at the moment haha! Thank you all so much! Your support means more than you know. Peace to you in the name of Jesus. And much love!