Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hey everyone!!!! I got here safe and sound. I feel your prayers and I thank you so so so much! The flight process was long, but worth it. In Johannesburg, South Africa I met up with 20 students which was great to see some finally. Me and 3 others guys found a prayer chapel in the airport to sleep in over night haha! I got may 3 hours of sleep and at 4 in the morning we all gave up on sleep and worshipped until we had to fly out. Mozambique has been absolutely amazing!! Church on sunday was absolutely wonderful! After church we went to the beach for baptisms and that was a whole lot of fun!!! As far as outreach goes I have been into the villiage next to the base to pray over a person that loses his sight at night and i'm believing he was healed and I had the chance to pray over someone in the town when we went for a grocery run and it was great! I am so thankful that I took the portuguese class when I was in Redding, CA , because I have had up to an hour long conversation in portuguese! God has definitely helped me with learning the language even more while I have been here! It is hard to believe I have only been here a week, because so so so so much has happened already. Class has been above what I could have possibly imagined! We have all been getting wrecked with God's love everyday during class. I am experiencing more hunger than I have ever had for more of God. Heidi and Rolland have both preached 2 times and they are always amazing! Living in this community of people that are so hungry for God is absolutely amazing! The internet cafe in town has been down for a month, but a guy in my room bought a modem for the internet, so I am using his laptop and paying him for internet. Praise God! We signed up for our practical mission opportunities and I will soon figure out what I will be helping out with in a few days. I haven't spayed bug spray once and i have seen maybe 5 mosquitos haha! so much for using the bug spray I bought. There is so much more I can say but this will have to do for now. I love and miss you all! So much!

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