Thursday, June 14, 2012


I met him on the streets of Pemba, Mozambique. Selling sweets, masking
his problems with a fake smile, and hopefully making a dollar a day.
“What goes on in his mind everyday?”...“What troubles him?”... “Does
he get to be a kid?”... “Does he get to have fun?”... “Does he go to
school?”... “Has he eaten?”... “What is his name?”... “How old is
he?”... These are questions I kept asking myself when I first met him.
His name is Bacar, and he is 14 years old. He goes to school in the
morning until 1 o’ clock in the afternoon, and he works from 3 o’
clock to 8 o’ clock everyday after school. He frequents the local
arcade (like any young boy would do) which is in a restaurant by day
and a night club by night. He lives in a hut made of mud, rocks,
bamboo, and a little cement with his mother, brother, and sister. He
doesn’t know his father. He works for his uncle. In Bacar's eyes his uncle
is a good boss, but when Bacar comes home with one of his sweets
stolen he gets smacked across the face. He doesn't have a choice, so he takes it and try's again the next day. He rejoices every time the
mission school is in session because that means he gets to sell more
and receive more money (we like to joke about how white people eat a lot of chocolate haha!!!) On a December day in 2011 Jesus came for
Bacar, and Bacar received Jesus into his life. I got to be there to
pray over and watch a lost boy become a son of God. I left to the
U.S soon after, and Bacar went on doing his daily routine; However, he
doesn’t fake his smile anymore, because he can’t contain the joy and
the life that he has been given from Jesus.
I arrived in Pemba on April 10, 2012. I walked the streets praying I
see him. The first day went by and then the second, still no Bacar.
Then the 3rd night I unexpectedly heard a familiar yell “AndrĂ©!” In
that moment my mind was flooded with past memories, as I was reunited
with Bacar. We laughed and leaped for joy together. Jesus provides
opportunity after opportunity for us to divinely cross each other’s
paths almost every day. Bacar and I had the opportunity to lead one of
his best friends to accept Jesus into his life, it was so beautiful.
Bacar has since then led his mother and brother to receive Jesus. One
day soon I will baptize him in the Indian Ocean. Bacar is enthralled
with reading the bible and learning more about his Savior. We often
talk about and share scriptures over a plate of rice and fish. I make
sure he has eaten when ever I see him, and if he hasn’t had anything
to eat that day I go buy him a meal. He has saved up his money on his
own to help me buy him a phone, so we can stay in touch. He doesn’t
want me to buy it without his help. Bacar never ceases to amaze me.
His smile and laughter brings so much life to my soul. His eyes are
full of wonder and excitement. His life is full of the glory of Jesus.
Bacar is my friend and my brother. Thank you Jesus for the privilege
and the honor to know Bacar, and may his voice be heard.
Now I can’t help but to think about all the street vendors in this
world who slave a way day in and day out selling sweets and souvenirs.
Each vendor has a name and a story to tell. Each waiter and waitress
has a name and a story to tell. Who will listen? Who will love?